•Company/Firm: UHY Advisors, MI
•Office location: Sterling Heights, MI
•Line of Service/Bus. Unit: FLVS
•Family: Amazing husband, Rob + Courtney and Pepper (cat and puppy).
•Grew up in: Harrison Twp, MI
•Lives in: Harrison Twp, MI
•College/Major: WSU Grad School – MBA with a concentration in Finance
•Hobbies & interests: Anything outdoors; running, paddle boarding, and backpacking especially. I also love art, boating, reading, and yoga.
•Favorite vacation spot: Definitely Alaska. However, I wouldn’t turn down another trip to Europe.
•Something people may not know about me: I worked for Harley-Davidson, and I know how to ride motorcycles.
•Favorite app on your phone: Spotify and the flashlight.
•Best gift ever received: I love all gifts, but trips are always a favorite. Memories last so much longer than flowers.
•One word used to describe myself: Extrovert
•Best advice ever received: If you can’t beat fear, just do it scared.
•Favorite quote: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”
— Abraham Lincoln.
•Top things on my “bucket list”: #1 is Hiking in the Himalayans.
•Why did you join the MWTA? Every amazing, inspirational woman I have met in this career path belongs to the MWTA.
•What’s the best piece of career advice you ever received? “Always think bigger and never sell yourself short.” From Ursula Scroggsat DKSS CPAs.