The Michigan Women's Tax Association
Our Mission is to provide educational and networking opportunities for women in the Michigan tax community, and to promote the full andactive participation of women within all tax-related areas in the state. We are a diverse group of CPAs and accountants, tax lawyers, professors, government officials, students, and members of Michigan industry. We typically offer our annual conference in late October, two holiday luncheons for tax professionals, two CPE ethics seminars in May with locations in the Detroit and Grand Rapids areas. MWTA also invites members and friends to several wine and cheese events at various law firms, accounting firms and other venues in the Detroit and Grand Rapids to benefit The Michigan Women's Tax Foundation which offers annual scholarships to students pursuing further education in the field of tax. MWTA is a growing organization, and is committed to supporting the professional efforts of "tax" women across the state. MWTA's Bylaws: MWA ByLaws_final adopted 5_26_21 - signed.pdf |