We're excited to share a new benefit to members of MWTA -- Job Postings. If you are a member, you are eligible to share a post about opportunities at your own organization. Look for more details on the Member Center page (or Job Postings page).
Mark the date on your calendar now --- Monday, November 8th for our next Annual Conference. You know what a great event this has been over the years -- don't miss it.
We want to take the opportunity to get to know some of our members. You will find a new Member Spotlight page in the menu.
Jump to Member Spotlight
The Michigan Women's Tax Foundation provides annual scholarships to students pursuing degrees related to the field of taxation. You can support their work with direct charitable contributions payable to: Michigan Women's Tax Foundation, PO Box 1402, Birmingham, MI 48012.
Congratulations to Lyndsay Campbell for being awarded the 2020 Scholarship from the Michigan Women's Tax Foundation! You can see our past scholarship winners under the Foundation tab of your menu.
In recognition for State of Michigan restrictions and the safety of our members, MWTA's board of directors has suspended in person meetings at this time. We continue to monitor best practices and will keep you up to date as soon as we can announce the next in-person event. In the meantime we are continuing to seek opportunities to offer virtual events.
As of November 5, CPE certificates were issued to participants for the MWTA Annual Conference held on October 22. If you didn't receive your email, please reach out to Kathy Castillo at mwtacpe@gmail.com
The Michigan Women's Tax Foundation was established to offer scholarships to students pursuing a career in Taxation. See the new application under the Foundation web pages. Note: the completed applications are due by September 30, 2020. EXTENDED to October 15, 2020.
In recognition and concern for the safety and security of our members and their guests, the board of directors has made the decision that we will defer in-person events at the current time. Our golf outing will be rescheduled to occur in the summer of 2021. We are working to configure our annual conference into a virtual event, while retaining the opportunity to achieve CPE and engage in some networking.
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Michigan Women's Tax Association ©
P.O. Box 1402
Birmingham, MI 48012
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